David Clutterbuck’s and Peter Hawkins’s Best Reads of 2021

David Clutterbuck and I both enjoy an eclectic mix of books and have enjoyed many wonderful titles this year. Here are our top 10 reads across a number of topics.

As always, we have both enjoyed an eclectic mix of new titles this past year. Here are our top 10 reads.

First, three books about how we think and make decisions

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The author brings together the teachings of her Native American heritage, her life as a single Mother of two girls and being a professor of Botany to gently help us see the world more ecologically and indigenously.

Think Again, by Adam Grant & Noise, by Daniel Kahneman and colleagues. Two tours de force by giants in the field of human cognition, taking different perspectives on how and why individual and collective decision-making is so often flawed.

Thinking the Unthinkable by Nik Gowing and Chris Langdon. Explores how and why we tend to avoid dealing with difficult issues and what to do about it.

Next two books on systems and systemic thinking

Coaching Systemically by Paul Lawrence – explores systemic thinking from multiple perspectives.

Upheaval by Jared Diamond draws on case studies of how nations coped with crisis to draw conclusions about how organisations and societies can learn to adapt and thrive.

Two on aspects of awareness

The Body in Coaching and Training by Mark Walsh – a useful overview for anyone working with Gestalt, ontology, or mindfulness; or wanting to use themselves more in their coaching practice.

Supersenses by Emma Young. If you thought there were just five or six senses, you’d be wrong. Young identifies and explores 32 human senses. I found it broadened my mindfulness dramatically to experience consciously such a wide range of sensory inputs.

One general title on coaching

WeCoach by Passmore et al – the biggest collection yet of coaching tools and techniques in one volume.

One on teams

Team Human by Douglas Rushkoff – “being human is a team sport”. Rushkoff argues cogently that the impact of much technology has been to undermine our instinct for collective endeavour. He helps us in ’Understanding humanity as one big, interconnected team.’

And three intriguing outliers

The Handshake by Ella Al-Shamahi. The handshake is something we take for granted, but the meaning and impact of handshaking varies dramatically from culture to culture. A gripping read (yes pun intended!)

Becoming Mandela by Trevor Waldock.  Trevor moved from being a UK coach to developing young community leaders across Africa.  These are letters to his sons and a great guide in how to be an Elder, rather than a Leader.

No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention by Reed Hastings (Netflix founder and CEO and Erin Meyer Instead Professor.  Not an exemplar for others necessary to follow but many provocative ideas for how to run a company like an elite sports team.

And also this year we both enjoyed reading new updated editions of each other’s books on Team Coaching:

Coaching the team at work. (Second edition, 2020) by David Clutterbuck

Leadership Team Coaching: Developing Collective Transformational Leadership (fourth edition, 2021) by Peter Hawkins

What books have you enjoyed reading this year and can recommend to be added to our 2022 reading list?

The next frontier for Coaching Supervision and Team Coaching

In the last twenty years we have witnessed the exciting spread of coaching supervision around the world.  Also for the last ten years the fastest growing aspect of coaching has been team coaching and systemic team coaching.   Now we are seeing a new challenging frontier for both.  Although there are now many trained coach supervisors and a growing number of trained team coaches there is a global shortage of trained and experienced team coach supervisors. The Global Team Coaching Institute, which I lead in partnership with my colleague David Clutterbuck and WBECS have developed a global list of accredited team coach supervisors.  But more are needed, people who are trained experienced team coaches and trained coach supervisors with specific training in how to supervise systemic team coaching.

To meet this need Renewal Associates are providing a specialised advanced virtual 3 day programme for experienced team coaches/experienced coach supervisors who want to develop their capacity in supervising systemic team coaching.

This will be lead by Professor Peter Hawkins and Dr Catherine Carr, both of whom are global thought leaders and writers in both systemic team coaching and coaching supervision.  This programme is on 15th – 18th June, with timings being arranged to accommodate different time zones.  Those interested in applying for the few remaining spaces should complete the application form using the link here.

Peter Hawkins will also be running the annual Advanced Retreat at Barrow Castle 1st -3rd September, in the countryside on the edge of Bath, for those experienced coaches, team coaches and consultants who want to deepen what supports and resources their work  and discover ways of partnering with the wider ecology in their practice. For further information and an application form click here.

 Both programmes are designed to support practitioners growing their inner capacity and growing their circle of influence and impact.

Practioner in Team Coaching certificate programme

Introducing the Practitioner in Team Coaching certification programme from the Global Team Coaching Institute in collaboration with WBECS.

Prof David Clutterbuck and myself have together created this exciting learning opportunity for qualified team coaches wanting to:
· Transition from a 1-2-1 coach to coaching the whole team
· Expand into the latest & fastest growing area of coaching
· Confidently handle all team coaching assignments

If you are interested in finding out more about my ‘Systemic Team Coaching’ approach or Prof David Clutterbuck’s ‘Complex Adaptive Systems (PERILL) Model’ of team coaching then go to https://lnkd.in/eXXgV99