Working from Source

Working from Source
By Peter Hawkins, March 2024

In October my new book “Beauty in Leadership and Coaching: and the Transformation of Human Consciousness” will be published by Routledge. In the final chapter I write about how we can work from ‘Source’ rather than from effort.  This will be once again one of the key themes and practices we will address on the Advanced Retreats I run each summer at Barrow Castle, on the outskirts of Bath, surrounded by gardens, woodlands and hills. To book for these click here.

Here is a passage from the final chapter of the book.

We need to learn how to live and work from source, rather than from effort and goal driven will.  On the advanced retreats I run each summer, we carryout collaborative inquiries into the different experiential phenomena of working from effort and working from source.  In pairs I ask one of the pair to adopt the position they are in when working from effort, and for two minutes, to report out to their partner:  “when I work from effort I……..” and to keep discovering new aspects of how this shows up within them.

When both partners have done this, we then invite them to find the physical bodily state they occupy when they work from source, and this time to continually repeat and complete the sentence: “When I work from source I…..”.  I have found that everyone who has taken part has a deep-felt sense of the difference between these two states and knows them from the inside.  Only when these have been deeply accessed, do the pair go on to explore how they can let go of ‘efforting’ and let source flow through their lives more fully.  

I have discovered that when I am working from source, I can work a week of long hours and end the week with more energy than I started it.  It is as if I am using renewable energy, rather than burning up stored fuel.  I am in-tune with my bio-rhythms, rather than working to the clock-time of forced labour.  Since the Industrial Revolution we have created this life versus work split, where we have to use the short time away from work to replenish all the spent energy from being a ‘wage-slave’ throughout the working week.  Even the concepts of ‘work – life balance’, has built into it the notions of work as draining energy and non-work life as replenishing it.

In the chapter on Grace we explored the whole notion of flow. How we can be in flow in our self, our head, heart, and body; our thoughts, feelings and actions.  How we can be in flow with others in our teams and families, our organizations and communities.  How we can be in flow with our work, our art and our craft, and the wider human and more-than-human world, with which we are inextricably entwined.

We are born out of Beauty, sustained by Beauty.  When we awake and become the beauty we love, we return home, to the home we have never left. 


How can you lead, support and coach High-value creating teams?

How can you lead, support and coach High-value creating teams?

Dr. Catherine Carr, MCEC, PCC, RCC and I are very excited to launch our new program, that takes more than twenty years of work developing Systemic Team Coaching around the world and translates it into an on-line program not only for coaches, but for team leaders, HR business partners, consultants and everyone who needs to develop effective teamwork directly as a team leader/member or indirectly through those they coach.
This can be the beginning of the journey to become a professional Systemic Team Coach; or it can be a stand alone training to help you coach individual team leaders and team members, or make a difference to the teams you lead or as a team member.
Supported by a great global faculty from right around the world including
Sue Coyne PCCInge Simons, MCCPau LimMichael CooperIngela Camba LudlowFenneke Tjallingii-Brocken, MSc., PCC, CPCCMonica CallonJonathan SibleyAxel KlimekBob GibbonChristophe MikolajczakDaiana Stoicescu, Coach Trainer, MCC by ICF 🚀Dirk NieuwoudtDumi Magadlela PhD PCCHarriet Dodd PCCJulie StocktonKaren Yanqun WuKathryn AdamsLesley GarrickLilia DicuLucy Shenouda MCC, ACTC, ESIAMichael CooperNathalie Lerotić Pavlik MSc, GMBPsSPamela MaguireSusan Douglas, Ph.D., ACTC, PCC, ESIATjessica Stegenga 🌎 and many others

Join us for a FREE 90 minute Masterclass when we launch our new program!

Programs running on 5 dates between 26th February and 11th March

Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to learn from the best! Secure your free seat here:

Please share this post with your fellow leaders, coaches and mentors who want to unlock the power of high-value creating teams

The Necessary Revolution in Coaching from Ego-centric to Eco-centric

The Necessary Revolution in Coaching from Ego-centric to Eco-centric

Book Now

How do we work systemically and how do we make coaching and supervision future fit?

These are just two questions we’ll explore in this one-off 2.5 hour workshop for professional body APECS. Do join Professor Peter HAWKINS and EVE TURNER on Monday 23rd November 2020 3.30pm (UK) to examine how we need to shift to meet future challenges. With an opportunity to discuss in breakouts, hear latest research that is being undertaken by Peter and Eve with others, and consider 7 generations thinking, we’ll discuss what systemic coaching is, how practice is shifting, and how we can keep the needs of the whole world in front of us, and not just one person.