Sustainability Policy and Ecological Commitments

Sustainability Policy & Ecological Commitments


  • Every training is to include at least one session on Climate Conscious Coaching – to help all trainees to move through the stages of “Eco-curious; Eco-informed; Eco-aware; Eco-engaged; to Eco-active.”
  • We will continue to research how psychology and coaching will enable people to better respond to the climate crisis and share this through publications, talks, workshops, masterclasses and webinars.

Recycling & Waste Initiatives

Recycling and waste management is an area we are working hard to improve by:

  • Removing unnecessary single use plastics from all the venues we use and using biodegradable alternatives for such things as straws, coffee stirrers, napkins.
  • Encouraging our trainees to use less disposables.
  • Reducing our paper usage by sending slides and papers electronically or having them downloadable from a web location and that all essential printing is double side.
  • Recycling all our paper, cardboard and wrapping as well as ink cartridges, and finding ways for equipment to be reused by good causes or recycled.


  • Our core faculty will not travel long-haul for one-off events and only deliver key-note speeches virtually unless combined with a series of other beneficial reasons for being in that location that outweigh the carbon costs.
  • Continue with our current policy of developing local faculty that can take over running our Certificate and Diploma programmes in their own region, supervised virtually, and international faculty making contributions via the web, thus reducing the carbon cost of international faculty travel.
  • Encouraging attendees to share cars and use the least eco-damaging form of transport they can when attending courses.
  • Where possible
    • delivering supervision and tutorials virtually to reduce travel.
    • having staff meetings virtually to reduce travel.
    • ensuring we train people to be able to do more team coaching virtually.
  • We are committed to recording carbon usage and offsetting our carbon costs through financing new sustainable woodlands, such as Sirius Wood where we have so far planted 3,000 trees.
  • With our ongoing work and connection to Rainforest Alliance
  • We will also include carbon off-setting charges in our invoicing of clients.

Our Food Initiatives

  • Actively promoting purchasing policies that embrace ethically sourced products.
  • Searching for local suppliers where we can and offering healthy alternatives at every break.
  • Sourcing locally and keeping our menus seasonal to limit our food miles and only serving sustainable fish whenever we can. Any beef or lamb used is from our own organic eco-friendly supply.
  • Ensuring there are vegan options on all our in house programmes.
  • Ensuring food is not over catered and that left-over food is either reused by venue, taken home and consumed by participants or donated to worthy causes.

Our Energy Initiatives

  • Reducing unnecessary energy consumption by switching off lights and turning down heating and turning off air-conditioning when not needed.

Influencing our Profession

  • We are active founder members and supporters of Climate Coaching Alliance. and have committed to help professional bodies to incorporate ecological responsibility into: Ethics statements, core competences for all coaches, and training standards and their own conferences.

Influencing our Customers

  • We offer a 10% reduction in fees for companies or individuals that have a clear policy and strategy on how they will be carbon neutral by 2025, and 5% if only by 2030.
  • All new clients, including those applying for supervision, will be asked for their Sustainability or Climate Crisis strategy before we contract with them.
  • In all coaching, team coaching and supervision, we ask in the contracting phase: “how will our work together attend to the ‘more-than-human’ world of the ecology and the challenges of the climate crisis.”

Influencing our Suppliers

  • We are committed to influencing all our suppliers into more sustainable and eco-friendly practices. In the UK we have a good relationship and on-going conversations with etc.venues.
    “As a global organisation etc.venues recognise the impact that the c 18,000 events hosted by our venues and attended by over 900,000 delegates can have on the environment.  venues is committed to reducing these impacts by setting and achieving clearly defined objectives and targets, as well as developing frameworks to achieve continual improvement.”  
  • We are committed to sharing our policy with each new venue supplier and asking for their active partnership, as well as existing venue suppliers in UK, Portugal, New York, China, Johannesburg.
  • We will only invest money or have pension or insurance schemes with companies that have global leading sustainability policies and who invest in ethical and sustainable companies and have no investment in coal, oil and gas and actively dialogue with their Investment managers to further influence their policies.
  • We require our accountant to have a clear sustainability policy and commitments.
  • We only use green energy suppliers.

Influencing our Partner Organizations

We are in continuing active discussion with all our Partner organizations supporting them to develop their sustainability and climate crisis commitments.  These include:

Academy for Executive Coaching (

Centre for Supervision Training and Development ( )

David Clutterbuck Partnerships ( )

Metaco, South Africa ( ( )

All our Systemic Team Coaching partner organizations including those in China, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Korea, India, USA, Canada, Mexico, Serbia, Romania, Portugal, Denmark, Turkey, Dubai, Switzerland, Kenya, Brazil, Barbados

We commit to regularly updating this policy, at least once a year and being open to feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Professor Peter Hawkins, Chairman.