A Beautiful Way to Coach by Fiona Parashar, 2022, Routledge
So easily coaching can become burdened by problems and coachee overloaded and become problem centric. Coaching also needs to open the doors and windows to new possibilities, to be inspired by nature and beauty, and help the coachee stand back and repurpose their lives and discover their unique contribution to a better world.
Fiona Parashar, a positive psychology seasoned coach, has provided us with an inspiring book that shows how she coaches senior executives on Vision days, using many creative techniques including joint walks in nature, so beauty and the ecology can be partners in the coaching process. Read my foreword to this book here.
To purchase a copy, 20% discount with this flyer , go directly to the Routledge website.
Next year I will be publishing my own book on “Beauty in Coaching” which aligns with the Advanced Retreats for experienced coaches, mentors, supervisors and leaders.
running twice this year, with spaces available currently.
Held as non residential retreats; June 29th – July 1st and September 7th – 9th, Barrow Castle, Bath, UK; within it’s beautiful gardens, surrounded by captivating countryside, there are still places available on both programs and you can book with this link.